Wednesday, January 6, 2010

[-00.20] Kettlebells

I have made it through day three, only 363 days to go !

This AM I kicked off the morning with a Kettlebells routine. For any of my readers that aren't familiar with this exercise, it's basically a weight with a handle that makes you focus on your core muscle groups.
I was surprised at what a simple routine it was, but how it truly made me work. I mean the match-stick lady on the video did a weight twice my size like she was cutting a knife through butter. After doing it myself, I was impressed and envious of her ease. That and her body tone that a person could do beer pong off of - she was solid !

I continued with my six simple goals today, I'm finding that it is something I can wrap my brain around, and something measurable:
1. Water
2. Packed lunches
3. Cooking
4. Dessert
5. Focused on Small Goals
6. Three Greens

I know it might sound silly, I guess I just want to take something that I know can be hard - and try to simplify it. Let's face it, the formula isn't complicated. Like cave man me say - eat less, eat better, move off rock !

Dinner tonight by the way was a delish arrangement of Pork tenderloin drizzled with Barbecue Sauce, Mustard and Honey. Cous-Cous and Broccoli.

For dessert - mmm. hot cocoa .

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